This is your go to website for all Heropacks in the Storming Expanded Multiverse
(S.E.M for short)
Our Heropacks
Invincible Pack [Fiskheroes Heropack]
Have you ever wanted to add characters from the ‘Invincible’ universe into FiskHeroes? Now you can with the Invincible Pack. Development is far from finished however this pack will receive consistent updates.
The Boys Pack [Fiskheroes Heropack]
Have you ever wanted to add characters from ‘The Boys’ universe into FiskHeroes? Now you can with The Boys Pack. Development is far from finished however this pack will receive consistent updates.
The Team
ItsStorming – Creator
The creator of all heropacks, works a lot on The Boys and Invincible while doing all coding together with the developers.
yelloww69 – Developer
One of the developers for the Invincible pack, especially focused on balancing the suits and creating some animations.
LunatickQamaryyy – Skin Creator
Skin creation is his thing.
unofficial.lucifer – Designer
The designer who creates our amazing banners!